Responsible for Content:
Steffen Hummel
Alte Schmelze 21
D – 65201 Wiesbaden
Fon: +49 (0)611 – 50 50 239
Fax: +49 (0)611 – 50 50 241
Mail: info(at)
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Steffen Hummel
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It is indicated that all the pictures, graphics, texts, as well as the site’s layout, particularly those photos and logos, are copyrighted. Contravention is being pursued by civil law as well as penal. All prices that are specified on our sites and our web shop are pre-tax (incl. sales tax). Offers always take place without obligation.
Information concerning the delivery period apply to the time after the order inflow, subject to the supply to our company. Prior sale is always reserved. Errors and price change in prices are reserved. Please also consider our terms and conditions.