Your questions:
At the countless VERTICS promo events and by mail the question keeps coming up:
“Are the VERTICS.Sleeves actually color-coded in terms of compression strength, so, for example, do the red sleeves have more compression than the green ones?”
No! There are any color combinations in 3 sizes, I (S), II (M) and III (L) and the appropriate size depends solely on the forearm circumference measured at the thickest point.
Sizes and colors:
We have determined our size divisions according to statistical evaluations and countless tests. So we have determined for you the compression strength with the best possible effect for each forearm. There is exactly one compression area and course in which the positive effects of the forearm compression cuffs are best shown.
If you find that you are exactly between two sizes, choose the larger version. This is more comfortable to wear and looks just as good as the smaller version. The functionality of VERTICS.Sleeves ist also guaranteed if you are a little below the smallest size or above the biggest size.
Incidentally, the sizes I, II and III are knitted in each sleeve on the inner side of the upper, wide edge as a line(s). The gauntlets in size I are slightly shorter than II and III.
When putting on the sleeves, make sure that you do not pull too hard. As a result, the sleeves only longer and extend over the elbow. It is better to distribute the sleeves evenly on the forearm so that they end at the elbow. If the sleeves are too long for very short forearms, just fold over the top, wide edge or just let it pass over the elbow.
Our VERTICS.Sleeves in the test design are actually color coded by size. Size I = green, size II = blue and size III = red. Thus, we facilitate the handling of the issue of the appropriate gauntlets during our rental and test campaigns and in the VERTICS.Testbases in climbing gyms.
And remember: in summer and when it is very warm, just moisten the sleeves with water. Then the evaporation creates a pleasant cooling of the forearms. Read our blog post!