VERTICS has discovered and intensively tested the positive effect of forearm muscle compression for climbing sports. The effectiveness of VERTICS.Sleeves is based on medical findings. Compression bandages accelerate the blood supply and boost the oxygen Transfer in the muscles which leads to an increase of the muscles’ performance. Sore muscles can be avoided and the time of recovery of the muscles can be shortened. Furthermore, the accurately fitting VERTICS.Sleeves stabilize the sinews and ligaments in the forearm and provoke a initial muscle tension. The risk of injury is considerably diminished – also because the capability of coordination increases through the more intensive coenesthesia. Because of the improved perception of the forearm by proprioception, movements are carried out consciously and precisely. Complaints to the wrist and elbow, epicondylitis or tennis elbow, golf elbow and mouse arm can be alleviated and prevented.
Feel the tension
- Improvement of the muscle tension
- Stabilising of sinews and ligaments
- Improvement of coordination and precision in movement
- Decrease of the risk of injury
Enjoy the flow
- Boost of muscular blood flow and oxygen supply
- Increase of the muscles’ power
- Acceleration of blood transport
- Intensification of training with less exhaustion
Forget about the armpump
- Decrease of the unwanted arm pump
- Avoiding of sore muscles
- Abbreviation of regeneration time
Medical use
- Relieve and prevent epicondylitis or tennis elbow , golf elbow and mouse arm
- Pain reduction in tendon occlusion and after surgery in the lower arm area
- Use in case of burn scars, edema and hernia at the forarm
VERTICS.Sleeves were tested by the material testing company Hohenstein Institute on the pressure conditions and the course of compression. Here VERTICS has been certified an excellent and uniform compression.
VERTICS.Sleeves form over the entire course from different compression classes. The compression pressure decreases in the direction to the elbow evenly. See a copy of the compression testing protocol here: